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MUTAG Pilot Plant

A cutting-edge mobile biological wastewater treatment pilot plant designed for seamless testing. Easily installable, this solution empowers our customers to evaluate our products using the specific wastewater types relevant to their needs.

Mobile Pilot Plant

The MUTAG Pilot Plant is a cutting-edge mobile biological wastewater treatment machine designed for seamless testing. Easily installable, this solution empowers our customers to evaluate our products using the specific wastewater types relevant to their needs.

It provides a unique opportunity for comprehensive comparisons, allowing informed decisions and strategic investments.

Primarily, MUTAG Pilot Plant serves as a testing ground for new process concepts, establishing a dependable data foundation for future process scaling. Simultaneously, it assesses the feasibility of biological wastewater treatment across various applications.

Investment evaluation

Evaluating a substantial investment before final commitment.

Exploring alternatives

Exploring alternatives when the existing biological treatment system is no longer effective.

Being a mobile plant, the Pilot Plant facilitates testing in many countries globally, requiring only a suitable site, power source, and necessary process chemicals from the costumer.

Beyond testing new process variants, the flexibility to adjust existing process parameters ensures enhanced adaptability without compromising overall process reliability. Elevate your wastewater treatment strategy with MUTAG – a solution designed for global impact.

Take a close look at the Pilot Plant

MUTAG's innovative Pilot Plant offers seamless testing for wastewater treatment solutions, enabling comprehensive evaluations and informed decisions.

MUTAG Pilot Plant

The complexity

The MUTAG Pilot Plant is well-known for the complexity of the machine, where you can be sure to find some detailed information about your wastewater.

MUTAG Pilot Plant

Equalizer tank and micro dosing system

In back the equalizer tank, where wastewater is entering the Pilot Plant and mixed before it continues for treatment.
In front the micro dosing system, for adding chemicals for treatment process, like adjusting pH value etc.

MUTAG Pilot Plant

Aearators and thermometers

Here you see the aerators for compressed air to mix the BioChip in the tanks. Through the peek hole in Tank 2, you see the BioChips moving around.
Thermometers at the pipes, and a tab to take water samples from each tank.

MUTAG Pilot Plant

4 tanks

Parallel and series treatments optimize wastewater treatment, enhancing efficiency and accommodating diverse needs.

User-friendly navigation via. wifi

User-friendly navigation via. wifi

At the right side you see the navigation screen where you on-site can see data and you also have the oppurtunity from the office to see what is going on, because it operates with a wifi-connection!

The size of the Pilot Plant

You can easily stand up and navigate around the area for easy access to the different aspects.

The plant, notable for its features, is contained within a 20ft container and includes four reaction tanks, an equalization tank, agitators, aeration systems, pumps, and various regulatory, measurement, and control technologies.

To initiate the process, a submersible pump withdraws a partial flow from an existing wastewater system. This flow is then directed to the equalization tank, where it undergoes balancing before being introduced to the reaction tanks through eccentric pumps.

Tailored to diverse applications

Both aerobic and anoxic treatment options.

Both aerobic and anoxic treatment options are utilized in wastewater treatment. Aerobic treatment involves using oxygen to break down organic matter, while anoxic treatment occurs in the absence of oxygen, relying on microbial digestion to decompose organic substances. Each method has distinct advantages depending on the treatment objectives and wastewater characteristics.

COD removal, nitrification, and denitrification.

COD removal, nitrification, and denitrification are key processes in wastewater treatment. COD removal targets organic pollutants, nitrification converts ammonia into nitrate, and denitrification reduces nitrate to nitrogen gas. Together, they ensure effective removal of contaminants and conversion of nitrogen compounds, contributing to water quality improvement and environmental protection.

Nitrate return

Nitrate return  indicates the rate at which treated water containing nitratesis reintroduced into the system. This parameter influences nitrate cycling and system stability, esp. regarding pH-control in biological treatment processes.

Parallel treatment and/or multiple reactors in series.

Parallel treatment involves processing water through multiple treatment units simultaneously, while multiple reactors in series entail passing water through consecutive treatment stages. These configurations optimize treatment efficiency, enhance contaminant removal, and accommodate varying flow rates or treatment objectives. By distributing workload and maximizing treatment capacity, they ensure comprehensive water treatment in diverse applications.

pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen measurements.

pH,temperature, and dissolved oxygen measurements are vital parameters monitored in water treatment processes. pH indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the water,temperature affects reaction rates, and dissolved oxygen levels indicate water quality. Continuous monitoring ensures optimal conditions for biological processes, chemical reactions, and overall treatment performance.

Dosing of process chemicals.

Dosing of process chemicals involves the controlled addition of specific substances to water treatment processes. These chemicals, such as nutrients, antifoaming- and pH-adjustment-agents, play key roles in biomass growing, process control and contaminant removal. Proper dosing ensures optimal treatment efficiency, water quality, and regulatory compliance in various industrial and municipal applications.

Inlet flow capacity up to 1 m3/h.

Inletflow capacity of up to 1 m3/h denotes the maximum volume of water a system can process per hour. This parameter is crucial in sizing and designing water treatment facilities. Adequate capacity ensures efficient treatment processes,sufficient contact time with treatment media, and effective removal of contaminants for high-quality treated water production.

User-friendly navigation via touchscreen interface.

User-friendly navigation via touchscreen interface simplifies system control and monitoring. With intuitive icons and menus, operators can easily access and manage essential functions. This streamlined interface enhances efficiency, reduces errors, and promotes quick response to changing conditions, ultimately improving overall system performance and user experience.

Jens Toftdahl

Want to know more about our solution?

Get in touch with Jens

Jens Toftdahl

Sales Director

+45 29 17 20