






A new high-tech RAS system

A new high-tech recirculating aquaculture system was built in the German city of Porta Westfalica by the aquaculture specialists of glammeier + John aquakultur GmbH & Co. KG.

A new high-tech RAS system

The journey of Pikeperch in Porta Westfalica

The planned RAS boasts a total capacity of approximately 2700 m3. In its initial phase, known as the "first street," a total volume of 350 m3 has been established. This system is comprimised of tanks tailored to accomodate fish of varying sizes, facilitating their growth and development.

Upon arrival at the facility, young fish, or fry, weigh approximately 10-15g. Through meticulous care and management, they reach an average size of 1000g, ensuring optimal growth and productivity.

With an annual production output of around 100 tonnes of fish, the feeding process is automated, with multiple feeding scheduled trhoughout the day. However, aquaculture specialists maintain strict control over feeding quantitites to prevent overfeeding, which could lead to water contamination.

Precise environmental controls are maintained within the aquaculture system, including lighting and water temperature regulation, to create the ideal conditions for fish health and growth, thereby maximizing production efficiency and ensuring the sustainability of the operation.

Beneficial cooperation

The aquaculture system implemented by KAISERZANDER operates on the principles of a RAS system, with a daily water exchange rate ranging from 3 to 10%. Through a comprehensive biofiltration process, the entire water volume undergoes treatment bere being reintroduced into the fish tanks. Additionally, KAISERZANDER has established dedicated wastewater treatment facilities to manage the effluent from the system.

Given the significant volume of water being recirculated, stringent standards are upheld to maintain water quality, essential for optimizing fish health and growth. Key parameters such as ammonium (NH4, nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), pH levels, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and dissolved oxygen (DO) content are closely monitored to ensure an environment conductive to fish welfare.

The effluent discharged from the fish tanks into the water treatment system fluctuates bases on factors such as fish population density and feed usage. This dynamic necessitates rigorous water treatment processes to meet the exacting standards demaned by the aquaculture operation.

Solution with MUTAG BioChipTM

To meet stringent water quality requirements, KAISERZANDER employs MUTAG BioChipTM biofilm carrier media within a MMBR for biological water treatment. This process effectively reduces COD levels while facilitating nitrification, converting ammonia to nitrate. Additionally, a denitrification stage further decreases nitrate concentrations by converting it to nitrogen gas. Utiizing MUTAG BioChipTM enables enhanced performance at lower filling rates, owing to its unique design and capabilities. This integrated approach combines MMBR with denitrification, utilizing MUTAG BioChipTM for comprehensive wastewater treatment in the RAS.

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Beneficial cooperation

MUTAG and KAISERZANDER have established a fruitful partnership aimed at optimizing water treatment for aquaculture. Our product plays a pivotal role in achieving water quality standards essential for fish health. Through on-site pilot plant installations and close collaboration, both companies continuosly refine and enhance the efficiency of the biological treatment process. As a result, KAISERZANDER succesfully maintains optimal conditions in their RAS system, ensuring healthy water conditions for their fish.

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Jens Toftdahl

Sales Director

+45 29 17 20